UNSOULED. Nuevo video


Los thrash metaleros contemporáneos «Unsouled» nos presentan un nuevo video extraído de su arrollador y nuevo album «Evolve».

El video esta basado en el tema «Built-in Obsolescence» y ha sido dirigido por Ibon Antuño, producido por Unsouled y co-producido por David Sobrino.

A continuación tenéis las letras del tema


LYRICS «»Built-In Obsolescence»»:
Years passed since the last pure words and made 4 senses old.
No need to feel cold, warmth, vibe in the spine, not anymore.
Dust grew taking weigth, every dazed wimp fast reacted.
What matters here now’s what you see, best overacted.

Oh God, I’m above now can´t touch me,
but the flow burns out life to your expire date.


Come I clear, and I will set you up.
Come I clear, and I will set your bones.


Born to swallow all the shit but without looking mean.
They live to hide fake lives behind a big big smile.
Every word is a lie poisoning stupid people.
The void speech finds in the air no opposition.

Oh God, I’m above now can´t touch me,
but the flow burns out life to your expire date.


Come I clear, and I will set you up.
Come I clear, and I will set your bones.


(Solo: José Gil)


Come I clear, and I will set you up.
Come I clear, and I will set your bones.


Actores en orden de aparición:
– Angel Marín
– Elena Llamero
– Ricardo Badila
– Sergio Reyes

Agradecimientos especiales:
– Club Sagitta
– Encinas Rock Bar
– Gráficas JMG
– Espacio Sociocultural EL EKO
– La Garena
– José Gil López
– Pedro e Israel Pérez
– Enrique García



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