MOGAMBO. Sesión Estruendo!!!


Sala Mogambo (Azkuene, 17 – Trintxerpe – Donostia)

Sabado 26 Noviembre – 21:30h. – 6€

Sesión De Estruendo con:

Astigarraga Thrower – Astigarraga/Barcelona Death Metal

RAS – Tolosa Institución GrindCore

Insulters – Barcelona Thrash/Black Metal

Morbid Flesh – Barcelona Death Metal


  1. is Croatia’s leftist government practicing cronyism but also it has now taken it to the extreme. The embattled First Deputy Prime Minister Radimir Cacic is now pushing for changes to Cottnitusions of organisations (e.g. Environment Protection Fund) in

  2. The Absent Game…Amongst me and my husband we’ve owned far more MP3 players over time than I can count, which include Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of gamers….

  3. You have totaly missed the trick Scamp! Where was Cadbury’s before Fallon. Where was Honda Before W&K.It’s far more rewarding making a brands work award winning than than hanging on the coat tails… Scamp!


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