Non Servium llega a Donosti la semana que viene, el viernes día 25, ¡y las entradas están a punto de agotarse! Para calentar motores, los madrileños estrenan video de uno de los temas de «El rodillo del Kaos», su último CD con repertorio propio.
Also, the image that I am using is a PNG. Would that affect the code ( I have alardey tried replacing jpg eith png )?I am using a child theme of twenty eleven by the way
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
You know my love of Louboutins! But I'm also practical, if I'm going to spend the money it needs to be a shoe I can wear quite a bit 🙂 Love the sketches. Off to read your Wu experience!
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
Ditta,Köszönöm! Mindenképpen megmutatom a tortát is, remélem jól sikerül, de egy egyszerűen elkészÃthetÅ‘t választottam a biztonság kedvéért! :)nciziIbuss,KöszöPöm szépen! Akkor köszöntelek nálam és örülök, hogy tetszik, amit találtál! :)Borandi,Köszönöm és üdv a játékosok körében! 😉
wrażenie, że wielu osobom wydaje się, że pójście na tego rodzaju blokadę, to jakiś cholerny szczyt zaangażowania.Tak, dla większości osób to jest szczyt zaangażowania, mało kto może sobie pozwolić na zostanie aresztowanym (a do tego prowadzi przykuwanie się do drzew).
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Amazing! I wish I could see what you see everyday. What a wonderful thought process you have on life. I think more of us need to adapt to that way of thinking.
I love going to the beach. I ha;v7̵net ever visited Destin but I’ve heard a lot about it. I love the pic with you, big Pookah, and Pookah the celebrity.Dr. Reginia recently posted..
Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!
I wouldn’t vote for anyone who didn’t get a speeding ticket in NJ. The only way to avoid all the mobile revenue agents deployed by the state is to hire a car and driver, and what kind of person has that much money laying around . . oh yeah, Mr. MoneyBags, our governor, does.
This is the same silly lady, who when she was in Canada recently and was confronted with this by our foreign minister John Baird, then said that “If homosexuality is a value for the people of Canada they should not seek to force Uganda to embrace it. We are not a colony or a protectorate of Canada.”For myself as an Afro-Canadian male, this incident and others is only making it harder to justify the idea of states like Uganda being independent, as hard as it is to believe this coming from me.
Hi Miss Becky,Loved your sweet lil white heart.So cute! Looks like a fun projectthat want take forever!Oh wow, just read your invitation from the editor of stampinton.How great……… excited for you!! Are you still on the ceiling?? lolLove ya, Nellie
lucas disse:Primeiro os que governam o paÃs não sabe cantar o hino nacional. Numa reportagem do CQC isso ficou claro, não concordo que a letra seja dificil tem gente que canta todas as musicas do sepultura ou do michael jackson e acha dificil o hino nacional. Pra começar o hino nacional tem que voltar a ser cantado nas escolas. Tem que haver também aulas de civismo e patriotismo.
How about a Ring Tone made from your school fight song? You would needpermission, but it probably wouldn’t cost anything, given the nature of your project. Easy to sell … Would require no education of your market … No mfg costs … Production would be minimal … Marketing would be your major expense, and that’s the fun part.
That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question
Hi we just got my son a Russian tortoise we keep it outside in a tortoise box we have a basking lamp for it and he seems to be doing great my question is how much food is enough, I have been giving him about 4 leaves of romaine and red leaf lettuce daily, and put supplements in his food twice a week is this enough?????? He always seems so hungry?
Avocados do not last long enough around here to get lonely; still, I find myself curiously intrigued by your salad dressing concept and I will endeavor to create it at next opportunity. Speaking of dressing, for exactly how long have you been undressing the thoughts of unwitting vinaigrettes (ârrbaœe/bea€â€)? And another thing, I didn’t leave Miami and come back to the Bronx just to be getting OTHER states’ hurricanes in my backyard, I mean, we don’t go dropping blizzards on your heads, do we? So if you guys would kindly keep your storms to yourselves, OK? Thank you.
These additional improvements are outstanding. They make for a much better overall user experience. Thanks for taking the time to add these extra features for all of us.Brian Garvin
Mein liebes Weib,ich schätze zwar Deinen Einsatz zum Erhalt des hohen Wohlfühl- und Heimelig-Faktors, aber leider gefällt mir keine der fotografierten Wohnwände.Ich fürchte, wir müssen doch mal einen kostbaren Samstag opfern, um die Marktbegleiter des besagten Möbelhauses heimzusuchen.
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.
Judy,This is lovely. I always forget to tell you, but I always love your quotes too.The DianeMcGregor quote is so true, I struggle with it daily. And I would not have it any other way.I would love to come and ride in the Mini .xoxo
Jackie, right? Women do play it down, and I think it’s what we feel we have to do to be palatable. It’s that tall poppy thing. Kiwis have it as a culture, but I think sometimes women have it as a gender. Aiiii…doubty pants. :{
Hey, nice website. I came across this on Yahoo, and I am over the moon that I did. I will definately be revisiting here more regularly. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the post, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment.Thanks
Bonus points to you for catching that. Most underrated comedy of all time IMO. Most people have no idea what I’m talking about when I list that among my favorites.“I killed her!”“Ah, tore the pussy up, huh?”“No. I killed her!”
Hi I signed up for the 2012-2013 training program I’m very excited! :0) I have not received a confirmation email from the group yet. I just wanted to make sure that everything went through alright with my registration! Thanks so much and I look forward to training with you guys!
«I have written articles for The Philadelphia Daily News, USA Today,and the Philadelphia Tribune.Thank God for spell check!»LOLHow about thanking the poor guy/girl who sat there writing the program for the spell check?just fooling around, don’t take it seriously.i just feel god gets enough thanks.ok the above was meant as humor before anyone jumps down my throat.
Hi this is a truly complicated website that you put data on. The odd is that I think there is a whole lot more spam than you realize. Maybe you understand that currently but just in circumstances you didn’t right now you carry out. I subscribed to the opinions considering I want to adhere to your useful data due to the fact that I take it heart as well as life by your word.
Awesome you should think of something like that
It might not seem that high, but it's about 2 standard deviations out in the white population. About 2.4% of the white population are at least that high. Yeah, but that's sort of a lot – two or three people out of every hundred.
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
Thanks Catherine! Vigilance is definitely something I deal with (obviously from my story–ha!) But I have come a LONG way and I know that being aware of my vigilance and my tendency to miss out on life because of it has helped me slowly, diligently overcome it. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
åoéšæ¨¡åˆå¥½、支æŒè‰¯å¥½é–±è®€é¢¨æ°£ group åˆå¥½;甚至有婦團æžé“å¾· group åˆå¥½,呢啲嘢,ç‡å·¦å°±ç®—å–‡。å…¶å¯¦åœ¨æˆ‘ç¶²èªŒæ–‡ç« 《沉默的oéšæ¨¡》å’Œ《oéšæ¨¡å·¥æ¥》æ–‡ç« ä¹ŸæŒ‡å‡º,好書å°æ–¼æœ‰å¿ƒé–±è®€çš„人來講,一早買左,或者有人會è¶æ›¸å±•é †ä¾¿è²·éƒ½å””出奇,但通常唔會æˆå¹´éƒ½å””è²·,åªæœƒç‰æ›¸å±•è²·å›‰。我無乜興趣è¦çŸ¥é“邊個æžå‘¢é¡ž group ,就算果個 issac ,都無乜興趣探求。
Would it also be possible to filter out these result by the user? Sites which only show a question where you have to pay to see the answer annoy me already (experts-exchange comes to mind) This feature seems to promote these kinds of sites.I have nothing against pay-for-information sites. In fact I use some. But it would be nice to make a distinction between a search for information and a search for places where I can buy
Well done! I love goal #2, taking into account that working out can cause weight gain, but it’s muscle, not fat. I’ve never thought of having that as a goal – might appear in my goals soon Hope all goes well while you’re away.
Wow, this is a very/rather untypical for IM collection, isn’t it? She really surprised us with some new shapes (wide leg trousers), colours (blush) & prints (paisley, geometric). If you haven’t written it, I would never have guessed it is Isabel Ma#7at&r821n;s design! I like it, but think that spring collection is more sophisticated, thus more to my liking 🙂